
Strengthening integrated flood risk management in Asia

Working on behalf of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), we partnered with Landell Mills to help seven Developing Member Countries (DMCs) embed the principles of Integrated Flood Risk Management (IFRM). This initiative promoted basin-scale solutions to strengthen climate resilience.

A holistic approach to managing flood risk

The scale of flood risk in many countries is now so great that no single solution will provide a sustainable level of resilience. It is increasingly recognised that piecemeal approaches are not effective flood risk management solutions. They often create inequalities, contribute to ecological degradation, and cannot adapt to a changing climate. This is where IFRM comes to the forefront.

A comprehensive and integrated approach to managing flood risk in highly vulnerable countries

IFRM strategies couple a range of measures and interventions. They blend structural solutions (e.g. nature-based solutions, flood defences), technical solutions (e.g. forecasting and early warning), institutional solutions (improved coordination and disaster preparedness) and financial solutions (e.g. insurance and disaster risk financing) to create resilience.

In this assignment, we supported the DMCs to embed the principles of IFRM into practice through:

  • Developing a Practical Guide to Implementing IFRM
  • Through extensive stakeholder engagement with each DMC to support knowledge transfer, discuss challenges and co-design solutions
  • Developing an Enhanced Engagement Tool to convey the concepts of IFRM, and to facilitate innovative workshops and collaborative thinking
  • Delivering a range of technical studies utilising JBA’s Global Flood Maps to put the principles of IFRM into practice. This included supporting the development of IFRM strategies in Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines and Indonesia.

The power of engagement

In February 2020, we ran a stakeholder engagement workshop in Manila. This event brought together delegates from all seven DMCs involved in the assignment: Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam and Myanmar. The workshop was interactive and dynamic, creating a highly collaborative environment through tools such as the Enhanced Engagement Tool and our Augmented Reality Sandbox.

Key challenges in implementing IFRM

The workshop not only supported capacity building but also helped identify the key challenges faced by DMCs in implementing IFRM, including:

  • Data and analytics: Accessing good quality data and analytics in data-sparse locations.
  • Knowledge and training: Upskilling and training specialists in IFRM.
  • Balancing infrastructure solutions: Prioritising short-term quick fixes alongside longer-term goals for green and grey infrastructure solutions.


This powerful engagement was instrumental in shaping the Practical Guide to IFRM, ensuring it reflected the context-specific challenges and considerations identified during the workshop.

Funding and support

Funding for this work was provided by the Urban Climate Change Resilience Trust Fund. This fund supports cities by improving urban planning, designing climate-resilient infrastructure and investing in projects and people. The Rockefeller Foundation and the governments of Switzerland and the United Kingdom support the fund.

To learn more about our IFRM work, contact our team.


Bangladesh, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines


Asian Development Bank


Hazard and risk modelling
Disaster risk financing and parametric insurance
Strategic investment planning
Training and capacity building

Delivered By:

JBA Consulting

Partners & Collaborators:

Landell Mills Ltd

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